Carneil Griffin recently caught the eye of SOMW with his creative perspective, attention to detail, and commitment to excellence. Carneil started Griffin Direction...we were going to tell you all about it, but decided it would be better if you heard from the founder himself! So, we just asked the questions...
What was your inspiration for Griffin Direction?
The inspiration for The Griffin Direction is comprised of many different influences throughout my life. First and foremost, my family who constantly taught me to be optimistic and to always dream big. I grew up in a single-parent home where I watched my mother always work hard for what she had, both in her education and her career. However, even though my mother was a hard worker and provided for herself and I, our money went towards rent and food, leaving no allowance for fashion. My mother taught me how to create and project a physical image through fashion with limited means. Even though I was not able to spend the kind of money that my peers could on fashion, I did not feel as though I was sub par to them, as society often makes us feel when we have less than others. Due to these economic factors, I began to have such a great appreciation for shopping at thrift stores, tailoring suits to fit my body, the importance of layering and color contrast, and the impact that accessories make. However, the most important lesson I've learned is that owning a great pair of quality shoes is better than owning multiple pairs that are cheaper. I never allowed money to limit me, I choose to dream and create.
I always force myself to strive for excellence and be the best at what I do, regardless of the field I chose to work in. I practice this within The Griffin Direction as I did in politics previously. This was a principal instilled in me by my spiritual father, Apostle Nahum Rosario. He taught me that you must constantly improve and learn with what you do and to not simply rest on what you currently know or are capable of. I believe in investing in your chosen craft and that is the philosophy of The Griffin Direction. I continuously finding high fashion editorials from around the world and study them. I also find it important to study all types of hair and make-up techniques, retouching, and most importantly find out who gets booked for what jobs throughout Chicago. I will never stop evolving my craft and studying the world around me.
What is your vision for Chicago fashion?
My vision has always been think globally and act locally. Although Chicago is not a city with a strong high fashion presence, I feel that there is a need and want for this beautiful and creative world within the fashion umbrella. Traditionally, high fashion has been very expensive and typically shared with a small and exclusive circle of people. Although Chicago is not a place where high fashion is common, there is a very hungry culture and desire for something different and substantive. I believe high fashion is that much needed infusion. Traditionally it has been very expensive and elusive to the general public, however Chicago designers like Agga B. Alma Weiser and Julius Lacour, to name a few are battling to make Chicago a home for high fashion creations.
Our message at the Griffin Direction is that it does not cost a million dollars to produce excellence. We manufacture stunning images and advertisements with unique clothes and great models. I feel that
we create materials that are on par with such magazines as Italian Vogue or Elle, respectively. Mediocrity is not good enough in the real world, one must compete with competition in order to remain relevant
and successful.
This is our call to the business owners, photographers, creative forces of Chicago-- We know that you invest your time, hard work, and money into your product but do you feel like you are lacking in your
potential in terms of the mediums you are being distributed in? Do you feel as though you could be in a Vogue or Vanity Fair type magazine? Does it look as if it belongs there?? If the answer is yes or maybe
then The Griffin Direction exists for your benefit. I feel that Chicago has untapped potential in high fashion but is lacking the representation to bring the city to the next level. Being that representation is the goal and focus of the Griffin Direction.
Tell us about a few of your upcoming projects.
We are constantly doing photo shoots and producing small business advertisements. An upcoming project, in particular, that we are excited about is a photo shoot with an up-and-coming unsigned male
model, who has a very distinct and marketable look. We believe that he
will do great things within the fashion industry.
Right now, the focus of The Griffin Direction is to revamp and revitalize The Griffin Direction brand, with a new website, better social media tactics, and focusing on great new talents. Additionally,
we will be hosting our official launch event early this summer.
In the meantime stay tuned for more details via our Facebook at facebook.com/GriffinDirectionand on our Twitter at twitter.com/GriffinDirects
Peace and Blessings
Photographs by:
Lindsey Adler of NY (Ring of Fire/Bridge and Tracks)
Steve Hudson (Alexa)
We are excited for what's next for Carneil and Griffin Direction!